'he above review of English grouse man      nt is to point 
out the complicated orgenization needed to carry out grouse manage- 
ment on a large scale, The method practised in grouse management 
in isconsin will of course be very different fro, those practised 
in Zngland/-cotland due to the difrerence in the birds thmselves and 
to the difference In the range inhabited by them, 
agg~al Requirements of the Lrea.    - The area to be used in the 
*zpqriment should eonsist of one township or a little less in a 
bloek which can be oonveniently posted as a refuge, and should be 
ded by on area whi        h ban be hunted on by the public, The area 
should have at least 40 acres of open grassland per section for nesting.

There should be enough roads to make it possible tp provide feeding 
places for the birds,   There should be a stock of nesting prairie 
chickens on the area, and if possible also sharp-tailed grouse and 
rufted grouse, There should be patches of aspen and white birch to 
furnish buds in the winter to ro with the grain, These trees should 
be in small patches, well dispersed and not in large patches, 
ino~ation Desired and luggested I eies          I   simotn 
Ino          ds,,n                              -  It Is important 
to get more information on the value of buds as a winter food and 
their relation to grain feeding, It is proposed thait both fall food 
patches and winter feeding stations be provided in the vicinity of 
areas with a good bud supply, 
It is probable that trees in a dense thicket are not of 
much value for budding, More observations shuld be made to check 
on this probability# Aspen grows and multiplies rapidly once it ts 
established, It is important to find out how to keep the groves 
from becoming too thiek, White birch is easier to keep under control 
than open, but it is also more difficult to establish, although It 
spreds rapidly in many of the northern counties, Information is