National Park Service 
University State Park SP-14 
Madison, Wisconsin 
October 24, 1938 
(Under Supervision of T.M. Sperry.) 
More prairie planting was done in 1938 on the University of 
Wisconsin Arboretum than in any previous year. More than thirty- 
seven thousand (37,000) "spots" have already been planted, with

the probability that the yealA total will be between forty and 
fifty thousand spots, depending on weather condition&# This planting

consists of 25 different prairie species, with the year's total 
expected to reach 30 or 35. The bulk of the planting was of seeds, 
although a limited amount of transplanting of individual plants and 
"stools" of sod was done. 
A check of 1936 sod transplanting (the Andropogon and Sorghastrum) 
showed a better survival than was apparent a year ago. The plants 
are thriving, with certain indications that they may be spreading 
in spite of quack grass competition. The Spartina sod survived 100% 
and is spreading very rapidly against blue grass competition. 
The 1937 spot plantings of at least eleven species of prairie 
seeds seem to have germinated quite well, and, although still 
mostly quite small, are apparently established. The nurseiry beds 
established in 1937 yielded varying results, with fourteen species 
showing good germination and survival, four additiknal species 
satisfactory, ten species poor* and nin6 species no germination 
at all.