too memus. It I hel4      n  hk by ekmke, *ih dig up Its e"s se4 
*at then. Taetore, wo aesting &ks a" umeeue       *uake are a aid

to eo   oatn. Snappig ttles an         soft-helled ttl  s are sold in on-

sitdrablo    bores fo  soup.  he other speLe of turtles are of little 
ecnomic tao   ,tae. 
Your opest. of lzrs. are found in Wsousin.      W  un be is 
tinguisLhd  o t sake b   thel movabloUolide and exter      e. Thr 
speaes have leog, but on  Is legleee and looks   mh    ke a mae   that 
it Is eallod glass snke or joint sn    .  The   l e a ulespread belief that

if out in to,the two halves will later g      togther again. or if roke 
into pleoso the piece* will Vow to    her al.  Of oouee the piecs. do 
not gow togeth, but tere Is, wwortholss, sme bass for this belief. 
The gas snake, like other ltu*rds, ti able to gow a A"tail &a  
eaks off its tall and leaves It behind in oe     t e    p  fr   Its s   loo.

As the tail Is   aog eM an thlk as the body, It look. as If the l1saw 
were be.l  brkea in ti *onvor th. tail is broken eff. Hoe      arose the

nes    lase snake a Joint sW". Tis lizr        is ftud uner the lese

at burrowing in the bossiest in the Wilcsu  in River bettom* from Portag

to Prairie ft Chie. It li a largo leawd weachin a lngth *        fall gm

of 18 Inhes. The other liarts to be mentioned a1 haye legs. 
? he siz1Livod rae ruane  Is a small lisard, the avierage leagt* being 
about seen icee. Tt tail is blue and the back Is brown with s 1*v4Ltubtu

Yellow stripes, It io ema In the *an &me* at Spriag Gre. Aweuao. and

Ions Rock, an along the rallra    trsc at L    o    o f   t    . It is also

a     nt on the saMer parts of the bluffs that face southwest alog t  e 
Misissippi from D       u buq  Ptpoa. ien ometime whe  ayu   elibig on of

the Missiitppi bluffs an y   ia omething soot uner a roek or a log, It