Weather*                     Paville Grove Hn Sarvey      fDate 
a ha.    normal,                                         Section  
b.         Cloud--gainy                                  Sectio 
C. as. wind,  oi3lr still                                Names 1/ 
pBrood No. 
1. Mp no.              2. Time of day                 -3. Contact no. _L

4. Distance from (a) female               ; (b narest chick          L  QL..
5. Amount of time spent with brood      J h     minutes. 
6. Direction you are going   !C iLd  .     . 7. Direction female flushed

8. General cover from iich flushed (answer a, b, c, and d)     ,   If 
a. Slope---(1) compass direction down 
(2) flat, gentle or steep .     ind o    e 
S bDistance from opening /        feet. Kind of opening 
c. Type of opening .- __ _    _   _  _   _   _   _ 
d. Distance from cro    cover            feet 
9. Imediately surrounding cover (w Tin 100 feet of flush) 
a. Crorn coier (kind & approx. density) 
b. UndergĀ¢ Cwth: (1) type                     ; (2) density 
c. Groundr ovar: (1) type.        .,          T, density    771 
10. Exact cover from which flushed (Athin 10 fe t ot flush point) 
a. Close 'f trees or shrubs: (1) species                 (2) height 
b. In the open (at least 10 feet from trees or     mba 
(1) distance from tame hayfield             feet. 
(2) distance from grain field     / A          .. 
c. Exact description of species of cover at point of flush: 
(1) overhanging cover: species                        density 
(2) undergro7th: species                     ,,_density 
11. Male Hun flushed nearby    -       (yes  - no); distance from brood 
12. Condition of brood: 
a. Number of chicks: (1) seen   .L. .    (2) heard, not seen 
b. Estimated number of chicks iii b rood 
c. Size of chicks in comparison with a meao-lark 
d. Age of brood, estimated in weeks                weeks 
e. Brood flushed or scattered? _                    fle7 how far     0 
f. DevelopmenT-of plmage 
13. Behav     and m em ets of f   ~l%, ofbrood -nd of, n on svey: 
14, Identity of broo   based on ,     ___                  _      _     _
15. Probable influencing factors: 
a. Regarding ositon of brood: (1) _ 
b. Regardii Zbehgvior of brood: (1)                         ..    ... 
c. Regarding methods of discovery  n d handling: (1) 
16. Remarks: (If long. give reference to position in notes)