Thr  r  ho and a half miles of road# fv parin  a  and severl ai* 
of too trails. 
Saw for   acboe b  en 4  st  g &a*fo dispin&toin.,imr 
The Steven Aqai wva has oqatli   plats# wtow argina 1e  andshw 
Twotro aMA shrub nuseries oontallg as )5,000 plats (one of thos 
mveeios ba. a rabbitt*t Cane and worh*4 rigt4 
-4 woos *idlmr uer is am4 in oome.t.n with researc in vimd~ 
prpagatio eM maagmet.       s nusr hae a rabbit-tight eaft. 
2Wmev outh of SainalsHig. a have msaotiy beom, aaul  for woate, 
foretry7, wu l ses studiess 
OmrM1000trss  srub,,thasadeof prewre pleats, w4 taw of 
prlie *od havo boen plonts4 a* the Abm d~un th pat fiv* eas. 
There m t   &bolt*" which are mod by aises and satm sta  gps. 
The ~IWhlo  onlRig-vrovsrmasW                   wWso-isu* 
by -ew   clas~sew a s a oterytaUng rng by the Orab Schoo **ros the 
of thoUlV     iprmu this past amyr Thm pande he stabs-g, a- ida 
for flaseach