.ar                                Route     ________,__ , 
State             .                Farm No. 
County                              Farmer's Name___________ 
Location of farm                                              ; ,. .' ( 
Total farm           legume hay      ; alf. "R. cl._; Sw. cl. 
Total crop           grass hay      ; upland       ; marsh 
Total pasture         nixed hays      ; mostly quack & weeds 
Total woodlot    .o small grains        ; corn 2     ; 
Total brush          upland pasture           ; bog pasture 
Misc, wasteland___      sc. block cover            ; orchard 
Strip cover: 
Reports obtained: 
.. .. ... .__..Crop acres cut              Nests found to this date 
Date     -------            2            T           Hun-- -   eas.-   Quail

l     -s  crop  dr       y                   2 i  .11 21 rI    2' 3 
out of   __out of_           out of 
out of         out of_       out of 
out of_    _   out ofjL      out of 
Misc. cutting and nests found:_         __          _     _    _     _  
Other nests found: 
Broods seen: 
Winter census:____ 
Crop damage: 