*Schedul dzring Mr. Leopold' s absence 
Grose Std 
Aug, 1-Set. 151 Field wor on grouse and msmal @eas in northern 
Set. 15-7*. It crse wor at University, and completing as aw 
as possible of the series of papers listed on 
attached sheet. 
Feb. I-June 15: Field wrok with Botany Seminar weekly. More banding 
on Mississippi Bottoms next Jan-ar and February, 
in ooperation with Ray Steele, U. S. Biol. urvey. 
Di~g~ii e only' diff iculty will be editorial revision of the papers 
writ ten dhrng my absence. I leave it to Schmidt' j udgment to embmit ar

papers hih he thine are s.ffieiently polished off. Miss Horn can -ive all

editorial help needed on all but technimal qestions. 
1. Is Scmidt's course wok properly selected te fit his research 
project and fau    plans? 
1. atch for chance to get ruffed grouse for Faville Grove and 
21khora Demontrations. 
2. If there are fnds for          to attend the Game Conference this 
year, Schidt is entitled to the trip. I want him to go if funds 