*ftone.The functio of both position would be sompewabbi to that of 
the Far   Superi  tet o   the College of AgIeurm e        rimental f 
and to soum assitat    berbarim esuiote, an other silar poiti/' 
it te College of Lttevrs and Science     r      the seaont uua. l fao  I

the Arbetum pooitioWn in the ineed for longtme reords  gay of the 
fmo.t asoiations will not be ati nd MIn a completely usheal     conitiot

for 50 yeaws while even the praiwi. gru will nod at seut 20 years fur 
full developmnt. If seuisism revufltere~ to be attained u,-v  empletions,

it Is essentiol that 4.ute records be kept duing the entire dop- 
mental oid 
*In ve.w of the aboe, the T7eeh l     omAitta. roo.nds thet the uizw of 
$6,000 be rqu   ted o  the propr   uthoritiea for one S 
two   boretia As    tan's.u 
J. T. LL                       / 
Ii. C. rGron 
A. D. "Pale 
G, W, 
Ate   onsiderable discuion, it wa decided that tr* position of upori 
taest should have a sarwting salary of 03,6000. 
A request wee emd  by Jemea Imbashl for an ellooption. of Arbetum laMd souh

of Wigra loos for devlomet as a boat livery area. This requet was turned

dow  beuse    h  Abot= Gomitt        e as plas tor th e          of this
0a1latel rsa a letter from R. J. Venderwall in rtgerd to the requst td. 
the Coasemtion Dpartent tbat rou     h fish be rmoed from Lek*          .

Ltter followst This latter,d ,td Ot. 22, 1947, was sent to A. F. Ullistel

by Z. J. Vaderwall. 
*Your letter of October 13 relative to the requst thmt the roh fich removal

projo4t In Lake Wiwa be e gi n reauset this fell hes bean received* 
'While we are very snious to ooopers-t to the fullent extent In this project,
do not s bow it will be poesIble to do so without severely ofet Mn therog

fishoostrol sestiohn toal o;-ratior4. They are vring extmotly sothr* 
this fell for t1he reAson thvat it has boon Ispooslizle to .p the etdtlon~l

seasonal help rbich 1s seeod to fill out theru-J fish zcrsw, In ittition,
eense of avrZF cosplete fVin- outfit intn this l.ke., fknc the* aition~1

hl  eo  to askse thesw eu.n, would cost tl. section spxx-1 tely #-100OO00t

this being actual e,-ense t0 sa                                         fivein
 oft  nem  ou  ~misn 
hauls; in th~e lowiu  .istao  lakes wAOhic od  - ze  durli the four or f~
it wouald take to cosple',, ti* W* Inra ;woject. The Income whic!- Oould
12  realizet 
from hauls is Ua lowr lakes during this high production period could easily
into several Lhuar      ollars, 
*Fo  the abov*ostated reasonp eMd the feet that the roug    fish control
bugt will 
net allow for this additioal1 expese, we do set aee hew It will be possible
comply with this mrest.* 
Neatling .4djour4.