Qotobor 2~.1936 
Mr, William - , Griar 
Supritndet of CQm Division 
C=:usiwatioa Deprtment 
Mdison, Ieiscohuta 
Dear 1Ir. riw.Tn 
Att a, re(-n-t o-iaerenae Mr. Leoy~ol4 and I decided that feoding studies

ooftte. zat 1Faville Groveo last winter wuld be resm. thiis year, Your 
cooperat ion ha--s en    u4-s to pretty well solve the labor queston for

wc now hav    fotz-~i-, . "1. A. crew. Tbe problem of fin~lag fan4a
transportlatlox  aa iikterl,,I still h82ge over tt.is  Dar 1% P. 'A 31ow

aneprovi,1% for nehe,     e  rt like a foatball teum witia willing 
PICqYcl'~ _. .      to      La" Ft ithout a footbal. 
So-oe tim- -4,,  ou 1indly offered to provide u&; with hoppers.  lecdleske,

to      ; ap-precite thiz offer, 1'vea worse than hoppoers, however, we 
need feed 8tomge ootai.Lrs, of from lQO14O nL ca-naeity cently 
la048 aong a gr"  o.f L'Oaain~g stations to eliminate uneoesuary man

ua~l labor after snow flis, We are also in read of experimental isedirl 
tri-h   for ooTrlsg ralatrbility of variou4s Traine. I believeta as 
arx --z tl'.  i.4. itseli goa, we are well fixe4d. 
yo-L 7§U Iw, tlie pextic-uiar prxo-ect was set u' LL  Joint doncerva_,tion

Dearal~it-Jnv.rrity project,  I wondred if.C t.'ho- QoiactkrL    ;res our

-rt&-Yt -ankd other WP  ,pojact ..,oull oi-zez 1ouo~  £i~ 1bild-

ing mAteriAls f:or L.avil-le ',rove cr, ietraictions. 
A doen feed storags containers with frohm 100-400 pun capacity tid ars 
niay palatability trogh would practically supplaut the; noed fCor liapews

on t-his area for our studies, since to check pelatkbility fCrequt visits

are neaezay, 
In connection with the feeding studies we would avareciate your ronaise ion

to trap and mark our "star 'boarders", including go birds, rabbits
squirrels. If this permission is grant04O fairther materials will be needed

for bmilding the traps. 
Another prposed project now ancler consideration at Faville Grove Oalls for

mat erials for bauilbzg "ma-st gaugs for obtaining accurate maaoeto

annual yields of variouas fruit bearing trees, 
Since haaring you and Ralph's very interesting prosssttion of the wrk of

yoar deartmet I have beoms more acutely awrare of the mocatude of ou 
tranbl- :]4  'tt  o L ,rden you with mine  Ebovr your' sugestions* and if

cnyouent, you aid, will be gratefully recived. 