tab*%t ca  "Out~ Ran V  quail 'tas u    As "usal n att'a. Got 
a             of the Thompson covey of 18 birds In the east part 
of their rane. Only 5 birds left in the North and South of 60 
ranges. The Pulvemacher covey-sems to be gone. There are about 
7 re fotes-ia ~aligro ea@t c~s3         l  ranging iiithe fenee 
ro#w 'formrW :,nhabI%9d b  th6 PulveaMaber coey. Got a ishotat 
a re here'   In the m~idl ofth , Boar4 I northk f161d amn 
removed. Saw 4 partridges in the Bongard area, 1 rabbit, 2 squirrels, 
1 marsh hawk, and 3 red foxes    th  south side of the area. 
Kabat camneout, ra  the tapli4Ie, but sao birds. A 19bird track 
count of the Kehl covey in a cornfield (corn shocks here) was 
surrounded by tracks of about 4 red foxes, in the midst of the 
track were two ;uai1 kils comitted by.the red foxes. 2 pheasants 
asoC here. The hJAmpaon coe wat eseatteed. Aother flush of the 
NE. covey~ agi tallied about 16.-17 brds-in the sotht1e4ge of 
their P ngeea     tecn shocks near Basl's pot Flushed the 
combi    d olf Ground covis, 2t3 birds. Saw 2 pheasant tracks here. 
Jumped 2 rabbits. Saw 1 redtall hawk. 
Jan. 10. 
Found~ the Eas~t Gol~f Ground covey still-in its range in a hedge fence 
there of1 bt irds,. 3o; It was the Welchi Barnmo~ that joined 
the West Glf G. oovey and not East Golf G. unit. The W. Kohlman 
covey is using the Welch barn covey's range to some extent. Saw 2 
rabbits  2 squirrels, 1 pheasant track south of 60, 47 golden 
eyes an& mrgansers beow~ the dam. Sht a r~ed fox ii! the 8. of  0 
Jan. 12. 
The Thopoon covey had been in the unset traps looked like 17 
birds. The NE. covey was still near Baar's pond in the corn shocks, 
16 or 17 birds here. Flushed 6 birds north of 60 on the fence 
between R. Boahmer and Jaarte. One of the birds seemed to have dif- 
ficulty flying, In the . Behoolhouse covey range ther were 17 
quail by a track count, 
Ja. 14. 
Set the qu         k tras.  FlTued only 1 bird In the X. of 0 ran 
$a* I mature and 1 immature l ea       2 redtil hawks, 1   arsh 
w                        4partridges  along the lake nd 4  neast  ohma's
Jan. 15 
Kabat cant ouWt, ran the quail traps but still no luak. Ead 2 rabbits 
in te quil'rapa  Cbudltlocate the EGravePit ov1ey in their, 
rage bt sm       tack   here.  Tony Frank reported hearing the quail 
along the river near the bridge.  Saw a northern shrike. 
I          Jan, 17, 
FluffeShe g-V1,pt ct# of 14 birds nrth of the read and 
wes  of B~o    Flushed 4 partridges the lake shore near 
Cole's cove. Saw tracks of 5 partridges on the Blaokhawk range, 
near the north end on 2nd. bluff south of the road also 3 squirrels. 
About 10 red foxes are using the lake shore area.