424 University Farm Place 
Division of Widlife           t                              tobw 13, 1939

r. Walt    L Sott 
OoMwation Dprtest 
'ladison, Wiseonsia 
Dear Wltes 
As t   underast-n  it, the Pittm4. bertson set-up 
for A    t Gastrw's s^aly as *eses-taker of the Prairie f 
Sao      ws approved last witer. I now write to ronin you 
of It sa* to recommen  that the aoeepsaq funds be set up so 
that his 4..k for Rovember will be forthcomi. 
It Is my understamUng that his pq perid exteM 
from Nember I t April I &M      arries the rate of $40 per 
month for this period. If there to s athing that I ned to (o 
on the fical .Mnd let mae know. 
On the other end I am asiin Frederio& Hama~esrom to 
aot for me in the supervision of the work, oonsulting with you 
.iM Paul Mrrington as to techical questions which m   come up. 
Is this s eable to you? 
$iter-.ty yous, 
Aldo Lepold 
Pwofessor of Wildlife Hxcmsut 
cc Errington 