PLANTS FOR WILD LIFE                                             PLACES MADE

UNUSUAL PLANTS          TE       R     L    '                 ATTRACTIVE
FOR LAND AND WATER          AQUATIC 'U Ei                       FURS, FEATHERS

+ +       -   %AQU              NUI RSEIE                   AND FOLKS 
WILD FLOWERS                                            1 IINVESTIGATIONS,

ROCK PLANTS                                                   REPORTS AND

TREES - SHRUBS -VINES                C                   IN     PLANTINGS
OFFICE                                                       TELEPHONE 
83 MONUMENT SQUARE        Osbkmb WiseOit3 U. S. A.           OFFICE 977 --
HOME 3347 
Nov. 23, 1932. 
Mr. W. F. Grimmer, 
SuDt. of Game, 
Madison, Wis. 
ear Mr. Grimmer:- 
At the recent meeting of the Wisconsin Division of the Izaak 
Walton League of America, held at Sheboygan, Mr. Franklin J. Schmidt 
.   /who has been making a study of the Prairie Chicken, Ruffed Grouse 
and Sharo-tailed Grouse for our State Conservati  n Commission, 
mentioned the sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella) as a very important 
food for these birds. Considerable interest was aroused as to 
where the seed of this plant could be obtained. I am glad to say 
that I have located a small supply of this seed, and am wondering 
if you would like to make ufe of some of this seed on some of the 
State Refuges, where it is not at present growing and available 
to the e birds. 
I thought you would like to know that we are going to be able 
to supoly it for planting, in limited quantities, as you may have 
some inquiries for it from persons who are anxious to get a supply; 
also that you might like to know where you could get it, in case 
any is needed for planting some of the State Refuges. 
We have not yet determined just what the price on this seed 
will be, as we have not yet satisfied ourselves as to just what 
it is going to cost us to get it, and out it in shape for planting. 
If you are interested in it, please drop me a line, and I will be 
glad to give you prices just as soon as we have determined what 
we can obtain it and out it on the market for. 
Sincerely yours 
CBT: Xm 
NV2 5 9     ! 
Referred to 
Complete Line oJ Natural Food Plant for All Kinds of Wild Life