Specimen No. 
... . .. ... .. . ... .S-h                   ~in  N o . 
SPECI1MN RECORD          Sno 
Species: .a'bit 
Sex:      .le                          Age: 
Bands, feather-marks, toe-punches: 
Collected by: Irve 0. Buss, L!ik   li, Viscofsin 
name   ........address 
Examined by: .  iryn 0. Bus........... 
Skin prepared by: 
Date: 1/23/38?. p.m.l/2    p. eM-0 p._.m. !..  m.1/2m/-      ,:30 p.m. 
killed             found            received.       examined 
Place collected: jei       'sov, Lake il:s, R.li} L,  S , S.2 (Goose Pond
county  .   .... nerest town  .   exact location 
Th aormacL s w  , I ardwoods, o  fe ' fiel( 
general surrounding habitat 
Elerbo ry, poplar aid villov brusl 
.... secfic.nditions at oeollection site 
Specimen: dead   ; alive     ; sic"  . ; healthy x   ; entire     ;
fresh x    ; decomposed,.....; captive      ; wild  x 
Cause of death: Killed self i Lip- 01) tr rVore-hea  , shoulders    thorax

If collected while still alive, did the specimen exhibit any noticeable weakness

before  collecti ng   .... ... . 'How?  ........ .......... ... ........

Laboratory examination: 
Weight: 735.e     -Prams.     Fat           avrage          enaciatd 
( ;ithoti f7'ur     gra-s)                     !VTTTfa 
Row was sex determin6d?  Diseetioii 
How  was  age  determined?   .  ........................ . .... 
Co 1ors: 
plumage or pelage ph serodditios 
iris         bill            tarsus          f et 
Moult: None          partial         complete       h6ad      ,neck .__._

breast       back         remiges         coverts      retrices 
Feather wear