1$$t t Contints of Birds ZIMo a Ut 
at hw* - A&       mi 
36-,t- Z9-30, 13) 
9/29          or.       *YI                     SW       ttw)ol   opty. Killed
P's. mi  e y.  o 
I )iasol eakA 
Cokca 6N                                   1/a .om    2 gras  sed, 
sevora lfto*. 
N   7                     457 
O 0dky' tall m1              5t&         Ahpt, I pie** of 1ef. 
1  0 brwn             54       2 aqv1m1l-pm     afrs 
I h.*.1 eatkim 6 viol* 
Rod* of Clman    buak 
brown                            502      3 sqm~t*1-ped       ors 
fron, **wo leavos, 
Ook              OW                623     2 tmr frondR, 2 do.    e4s xp?

Cocko* Ibrem                       540     50 nam    r-br  fruits. 
2 hihm  shrdi tst 
9Iyo                 I       , brow              50?7       o.sos       
Coo* brow                         5n      1   mybr        1 bhtbas* frut,

1 f.= frnA. 
toobrn                             4       Ior.e brado   frnd   frgwts 
* ft mushoom 
(red wuft) 
? j bra.                          525(0)  wmty    1 alder 1..t. 
Yellow lose lt&tly feathero ou LMIAa of #.wms, to* Ur.