This bulletin has been compiled by the Game Division and the 
Research Bureau of the Wisconsin Conservation Commission to enable farmers,

sportsmen's clubs, resort owners and anyone else interested in game to 
properly care for the game birds on their lands or shooting grounds. In 
the past, much energy and time has been wasted by distributing feed where

it 4ould not be found or by starting the feeding too late in the season.

As a result the game birds did not get the benefit of the money and en- 
thusiasm put into the project. The information available in this bul- 
letin will make it possible for those interested in feeding game to get a

better understanding of the food requirements of game birds during the 
different seasons of the year than has ever been possible before. Some of

the advantages of winter feeding, in addition to food requirements, are 
briefly outlined. 
Advantages of Winter Feeding - The yearly food supply is one of the factors

which limits the density of population of animals. Those regions which 
are blanketed with snow during the winter have a plentiful supply of food

during the summer, and a scarcity during the winter  A 1vorone       &_s

. . caus44the migration of all but the hardiest species of birds to 
warmer regions before winter blankets the northland with its frosty mantle.

The game birds which remain over the winter are limited under natural 
conditions to the number which can live on the available food. If a 
winter is mild and a large amount of food is available, game birds generally

show an increase the following summer, but if a severe winter follows there

is a scarcity of available food and heavy mortality results. It follwws 
that winter feeding of game birds has come to be recognized as one of the

most important factors in preventing severe losses during the winter. Every