1)    opteris Thylipteris   er. pubescms ' 1 plant; south shore. 
2)- numerous plants; seatter                     close to shore all 
) Parontond, by spill-ways partiularl 
O) Po   oget   tm          -ants; scattered In shallow 
4) Potamogeton angu f* ius - numerous plants; scattered in sha1 
low water all ov     ond. 
5) Po    geton fo        - nurn   s plants; s     ered close to 
6) shore and inxedu     deep water all aroun'pnd. 
) Ptmogeton natans -              plants; scatted close to th 
shre all aon      od 
7) Pota  geton pectinatus -           plants; in shallow and medi- 
um deep water, 
8) Potamogetn psius -        w plants; several found along south 
and east shores. 
g)otsoton Richar          i  - few plants; two found along north 
10) ?*twmgeton zosterifolius -~ abudat plants; the predominant 
plant of the deep wter bottom. 
1gisma planta        aquatica - moderate no, of plants; found 
largely in northwest bay, along west shore and a few plants 
12)   along south shore. 
12) agttar    latifolia - moderate no, of plants; south and west 
s hores. 
) Sagittaia lattfolia f. graeilis - i plant; northwest bay. 
14) Ancais canadensis -numerous plants; in shallow water al 
arod shore. 4      the spillways particularly end in deep 
1pyron repens - numerous plants; on north shore. 
16) Aroatis alba -nmrous plants (most abudat grass), north, 
east and west shores. 
i7) Andropogon fuca tus - modrate no, of plants; south and west 
18kgropyron ren a  n     ueu  plants; north adeast shores. 
19 aortdgin tubau      modeate number of plants; west shore. 
20  nla P           ens -    erous plants; north, east and west 
21  Echi      I. Walteri - 1 plant; east      e 
Leersia oryzoides -    large clone of plants;- sest shore at 
water's edge. 
23 kuhlan.rgia foliosa - few plants north            t sr. 
24) Panim oapillare - moderate number of          ; north shore, 
.25  Satoxi  lutesoens -numerous pats; north, south, east and 
west shores.