December 14, 1932 
MR. 7. Johnson 
Fish Creek, #tsco.sia 
Dear Mr. Johnson$ 
Ploa"n ai,     me for not havin acnwleged 
the reeit of the seco4 shipment of birds. vy assistat 
ontracted tulstala 4hi7Ig our experimental wor, )A this 
4ieergIse4 the w.* to some extent. 
All six of the r   off.A gwrots died sMata.osly 
froim a few to about ton  "  after arri al. 'go have under way 
etensiv* studes oR the" bird, bt oaot as yet give you a 
fisel reort. 3fwever, the di oasesses to u     very stilar to 
that doesribod as qail   isoeaso, ocurriv  in that esotes. 
The  eastion srtse, as to whether the   mso 
obt-ined this tIfeation in the wild or conoractod It -t the 
ges fs.     I should theWore lik to know If these gus      wero 
hel4 at the fqrm before shmsent, na if so, whether ay 41somse 
was evident nn the firm about that time. T an qqitt oositiye, 
thnt the grouse di4 wt &io from a dWsoase aontwcred hare or 
from ay conditios of    pivtty, as one Is the lamt shiament 
was sick upon arrival.                   k-*s booe abis to 
SX~U%&,w In uSao la      rntory for a veria.  d -A    _k 
in a oorfoctly 'health conition. 
The orates in whi   the birds more received 
akre bela  returned to m   After wAt I hope will be conatered 
an excusable delay. 
Vetry traly yours 
B, G. Gress 