W. PA. Form B01-Continued                                               
                      fooage eT of g~ Pagre 
27. Condensed work schedule and number of man-months each month: (Total man-months
should eqatua column 5, item 23.) 
Average number of workers each month 
Type of workers required  -                                             
1     2      a     4     5      0     7                 10     11    12 
Unskilled -------------------- --- .,_ 5 _£ _ £ . 5 ---- -- 
6  ...... 5 5  5  5  560 
Intermediate--------- ------ - - - - 
Skilled  ................................ ... .... . . ..... 
Professional and technical                             M7.  - -  -  ...-.
  ___ --7  ---  -          -    3 
Superintendence....... - __ A_...       ---------....--.....--... ---_....
-  ..X  -..           --......   _-___ ... 
TOTAL     . - --- I §t- -ft   -    ;,_ -      -  -   - 
28. Estimate of cost by items of work: 
Quantity    Unit                    Description of operation or feature of
work     Unit price  Amount (dollars) 
(1)       (2)                                 (8).                      
           ()       (675) 
-------....--- ..-- ..----   -  ---   -----N e s tin a .- c e u s  -----------------------------------------------------.
.. . .. . . 7 6 7 .0 0 
Plnting__ & oultiyutiug -tee.s and shrubs                           
I   Brn ---          .    .     .      .       .     .     ..sus        
-Winter feeding.. prgrq,                                                
-   -- -                               -----....-. . . . . . ..---------------------------------------------...............
.........................  1440100 
-       - -  -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - ------ --. -  - - - - - - - ------ - - - -- -- -  -- - -- -
- -- --- - - 
-------TOTA --os- o----- -RJc (tt- of--  cm-n temo 4,--page----)----- -----------
2 . . . . . . . . . . . . F -SeAL  C  ------------ - - - - - --- - - - -.......
........ ... .. . ............... ..... ...... ---------..... 
This---------- is - to .cerify . -contrib---- utions  specifi.........................................d....
in  this-- ................. . p  o  th--s   pro .ect 
ne e...  . . . . . . . . ---- ---  -  -  -                      - _-_  -
__- - - - - -  ----------------   - _----- ----- ......... 
............. . . ..... ....... ....................................................................................................................
.................... .. 
Fis-------al --- o .-  .. B                                             
-                              -e 7 0- 
...... ...... .. .... (Typ.   or ---- --p- -..............................int...................................................
 --e ( a   (T---tle)--  (-------ate)----------- 
C- --. 
The--------- s t--   co tie   n  th.  p o   hav   been--------hecked--------by----the----undersigned-------------and----are-----true------to----
 best------------  of--- his ---- 
an- ee....... - t is------   agree   t   th   W r ---o----ess----Admini--------ration------is---under------
no--- obligation---------to----co---  any-   roje................. . T. p

Sponsor----- age ---t  I --------------- - ----------------------------------------------
TOTypo COT prin  PRE     of coum 4~~Z~                                  
    ---~ "~orsty  ~ 
..... .....................................................................................................
--  j nj il e 
IThe statements contained in this proposal have been checked by the undersigned
and are true to the best of Lis knowledge 
and belief. It is agreed that the Works Progress Administration is under
no obligation to complete any project. This projectwill 
not cover work for which local funds are currently appropriated, or work
generally included in the normal governmental operations 
of sponsoring agency, nor will it result in the displacment of regular employees
of this agency. The work proposed will be done 
in full conformance with all legal requirements. It is understood that Federal
funds will be expended by the United States 
Treasury only upon pay rolls and vouchers certified by the Works Progress
Administration; and that all operations will be in 
accordance with regulations prescribed under the Emergency Relief Act of
1935 and administrative orders and instructons issued 
by the Works Progress Administration. 
Sponsor's agent ..F.L G - ' ils n   - ....... ............................
. ----_-.-.--_   ..... j! Pt Q  -----------