Au~st,9, 1940 
rea  of the puic  ased by Mr. Rtookl. 
It occur  to me that ym migh   Urea  the dealoc by 
getting a aatisfAtoe3 eptioa froia Iran YviUe. This weulA 
inclue not onl   the unatrdtract of prairie, but also his 
p~tr. ly~     just to the amth, a total of &bout 110  ao. 
Thswol   include the well and that part of the alo~g mos 
vable fer refloos4&g. In effet, this mov. woul bes *iftixg 
the reug  southar, and we w~ld loe the Stockal pastue but 
stil mk   fair prviion for wildflowe conservationan pf 
?aville  adw      Ones we got this few. I think Stoc*1 wol 
eonie Acm. for he haa a beavy notai and I think needs to refte 
Thr Is alas a twact north of St.*sel's which woul b* 
vvablls boe*s It comma the nrth       1srac of the so1h.    I 
ataha trcn    shwn   what I mean in terms of land bui. 
The Cossion mst knw that there are few land deals 
whc go thrug    satisactorily at the first try. 
With bieg a, 
Aldo Lepld 
owl                          Professor of Wildlife a   asen 
se N&*kins