Specimen No. 
Skin No. 
Species:     Pheas t 
Sex:         Fe ale                      Age:   About 10  eek   1 
3ands, feather-marks, toe-punches:       No e 
Collected by: Arthur. S,..  wkIds, Lake illa,  isoousi 
n'am e                       -" dres 
Ski prpa8  y:.......n....e............................ 
Examined by:- I~ r v  .I   "E 
Skin pr-arect by: 
a.m.                a.m.  .,.. 
Dlate:iO/9I/SY- -.m,      P..        ..           , ...   m   /7.6:00 p.m.

killed              found            received        examined 
Pcecollected: Jeffer ao, Lake lil s,    .1  E. T,8.  ,,    S ke .% rsh) 
Place coleced 
county        'nearest to y.'     exact lo~ation 
general surrounding habitat 
Im weedy sectioa of. msh                .     .   . 
...........s ,-ecific condtions-at collection site 
Specimen    ead     ; alive x    sick     ; healthy- .     entire     ; partial
fresh       ; decmposea       captive      ; wild x 
Cause of death:     Ch.       .kl.       .    .      *   - 
If eolleeted-while- still alive, did the. specimen olhibt any. naticoable
before collecting? ?  o      How? 
Laboratoy oxamnation: 
Weight: . 7 .0      grams.     Fat _average                    maciat ed

How was sex determined?    1                 t 
How was ae determined?    -1 l ge    tr trri t   a     phyi. .   e elo e
.  plumage or. alag pa.- hase  dditio8 
-. iris        bill . ......... tarsus . ..   feet  _  _  _,_     _ 
'-Moult:'. None ..   . partial ....    o mplete ...  head-       nock   
* br ast        back     .    remiges .      cavorts      retricea __ 
Feather wear