Botany Seminary 
March 20, 1935                                     F. J. W. Schmidt 
Bogs, Swamps, and Marshes in Relation to Wisconsin 
Game Animals. 
Cover Relationships 
1. Nesting cover. 
2. Protective cover. 
3. Roost cover. 
4. Yarding grounds for deer. 
Buffer Relationship. 
1. Plant foods. 
2. Game birds. 
3. Small mammals. 
4. Predators. 
Disease Relationship. 
1. Two host ticks. 
2. Tularemia. 
a. Hosts 
b. Carriers 
c. Disease reservoirs 
Leopold, Aldo. 1933. Gamie Management. Charles Scribner's Sons. 
New York. 
Matamek Conference on Biological Cycles. 1932. 
Green, R. G. 1929. "Tularemia in Relation to Wild Life." Proc.

International Assoc. Game and Fish Commissioners. 
Minneapolis. September 127129. 
Green, R. G., and Wade, E. M. 1928. "Ruffed Grouse Are Susceptible 
to Tularemia."  Proc. Soc. for Exoer. Biol. and Medicine. 
Paper 3930, Vol. 25:515-517.