October 5, 1942 
A. F. Gallistel, Supt., 
Buildings & Grounds 
Service Building 
Madison, Wisconsin 
Dear Gallistel, 
I have gone over the proposed additions for the University 
Arboretum budget with John Catenhusen and Art Hasler. We have arrived 
at the following suggested additions to the Arboretum budget for the 
next biennium: 
Raising dams in "Ho-Nee-Um" Ponds                      $150.00

Taking 150 yds. of dirt from the Stevens Pond      50.00-75.00 
Funds for 2 additional men to aid the         ) 
research program                          )        1500.00 per yr. 
Tractor and equipment (This equipment is 
necessary to adequately carry on the 
research program and to facilitate 
maintenance. Only used equipment 
available at present without high 
priority rating.)                            700.00-900,00 
Total                          $2400.00-2625.00 
Sincerely yours, 
G. Win. Longenecker 
Exec. Dir., Univ. Arboretum & Wildlife Refuge