Summary of Feeding Investigations, 1930-ZI 
found satisfactory. Sharp-tails must be trained to eat cob crn. They 
are then easily trapped in funnel traps. One hundred and thirty shp. 
tails were banded. One prairie chicken was caught on a nest and banded. 
Following Is a list of banding stations, number of birds banded, 
and number shot Oetber 1 - 4, 1931. 
Station No. No.Nales    NoFemales      No.Females      No.Males 
i Dance ground     21        2               1             1 
2 Feeding stati     4         2              0             0 
3                  is3       0               02 
6 Feeding station  1                         0             1 
7    a       0      5        0               0             0 
a                  20       12               2             6 
t)                 11        10              0             1 
10 Dneground         2        0               0             1 
11                   1        0               0             0 
12 Feedng station   Z        0               0             2 
1        a           3        2               0             0 
Stations 1 to   - Area burned over Sept. 16 - October 1, 1930 
Stations 8 to 13- Area not burned until April 1931 
It Is exected that more returns will be obtained by trapping 
in 1931-32 than were reported by hunters. 
Food Study 
Fifty crops and gizzards were obtained in the fall, winter and 
spring of 1930-31. 
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