William S. Cooper                            Edward A. Preble 
University of Minnesota                      5027 Newark Street 
Minneaoplis, Minnesota                       Washington, D. C. 
Herbert C. Hanson                            A. H. Wright 
Alaska Rural Rehabilitation Corp.            Cornell University 
Palmer, Alaska                               Ithaca, New York 
Ellsworth Huntington                         Chairmun of the Division 
Yale University                                      ex officio 
New Haven, Connecticut 
might perhaps help in similar situations. I wondered if you would put 
these gentlemen on your mailing list. If at any time there arose a situa-

tion where the prestige of the National Research Council would be of any

help, I am sure these committees would throw what weight they could into

the balance. 
With best personal regards, I am 
4truly yours 
Robert F. Grigg, Chairm 
Division of Biology and Agriculture 
P.S.    My son Julian whom I think you met when he was a freshman took his

master's degree at Michigan this year and has gone in for game management.

His interest, however, is centered more about the economics of the people

who live in game country than in the game itself. He has just started(4n

Cheyboygan County, Michigan, a study of the economics of game which is 
largely a study of the effects of hunting and fishing on the economics and

sociology of a country which was stripped of other natural resources long

RFG: leg