Copies to: E. R. Jones 
Noble Clark 
F.J.*W. Schmidt 
W. B. Grange 
F. J. VF. Schmidt 
Wisconsin Conservation  tission 
osTe abudance of gae birds depens on whether 
their re is in A co     itiz favorable for their inavease. By arti- 
fleisly maki    the re     m  favorable, abunlance can be built up 
to such a point that the surplus popilation can be safely harvested by 
shooting. 7is process is !=w as         m      e 
In parts of arope, grouse are managed with such skill and 
vwoess that the grouse crp brings a larger cash retun  than the 
other uses of the lam. 
In 192  the W1seosin Comsem  tion Omissilon retained Dr. 
A. 0. Gross to berin a study of grouse   z        in Wisconsin. His 
report.*  blishod In 1930. indicates some of the odifications of 
the Wisconsin gro se rave whih ,ill be necessary to enlarge the 
lie investigation started by Dr. Gross has been continued 
by the author, and the work has now reached a sta-e justifying actual 
tests of the various findings.  In other words, we have discovered 
some of the reasons why rose are scarce, aWl the Prpose of the pro.- 
posed tests is to find out to what extent the =rop will be enlarged 
when a given piece of land is   dified in the lipght of th9se reasons. 
At the request of the Coll.ei of Agriculture. a preliminary 
examina~tion of WTashburn ounty wsas made duriwr Agut. 1931. to find 
*Gross, A. 0. "Poress Rport of the 1isconsin Prairie Chicken Investiga-

tion.*' Wisconsin Conservation Commsion. Hedison, 1930.