Specimen No. 
-... .  ..       .Skin                                 N~o. _ _ _ _ _ 
Species:        heas   . 
S ex:            15al                   Age:________________ 
3ands, feather-marks, toe-punches: .       .None 
Collected by:    Irve. 0. B ss& _ArthSr S. Hawkins, Lake !ils, Wisconsin

name                          address , 
Examined by:     Irven 0. Buss 
Skin prepared by:       - 
a.m.              a.m.       .        am. 
Date: 12/21/37- - r.'. 11:30       p.m.              -p,!2/24/37-       p.m.

killed              fbind           recefived       examined 
Place cbllected: Jnnrs'n.o Lake 1 Yi'iL'.'  13 E. T.8 N.' S.36 (E.Central
edge of F. , ) 
county         nearest town        exact -   -Ocation 
Edge of woods bordering oren field of corn stubble 
.general 's'uJrrniniDg habitat 
zrush. trees at "ede of w-6o  - 
specific conditions at collection site 
Specimen: dead      ; alive  X; sick      ; healthy      ; entire     ; partial

fresh       ; decomposed      ; captive     ; wild 
Cause of death:    Killed by DoE (Gus) 
If collected while still alive, did the specimen exhibit any noticeable weakness

before collecting?  ,Yes   . How  . ..a Could . Qt,.  , p Qb bly.orippled
durig hm-ting 
se son. 
Laboratory oxaminati on:               ......... 
Weight',  1507.1 ....gram.   .F   .........aveorage e__   emaciatod. 
How was sex determined?,- Flua -e.    racteristica..,. 
How was age determined? 
plumage or pelage phaso-odditios 
iris         bill             tarsus          foot 
Moult: None    X      partial        complete       head        nock 
breast       back          remiges        coverts      retrices 
Feather wear