Table    (cont'd.) 
Date   1905                         Woods             Plants    Seeds 
Aug. 20   Seeds ripe                River Nds.        140 
23 Bought from Roy Newcomb probably frorn        24 
River Wds. 
Sept. 1 All day                     Brendels & Starks 192 
2 Half day                   River 'Nds.       121 
3                            River ;"ds.                 quite a 
Smith             1 112      little 
3      (                     Farmers' Isl.      45 
4                            Froelichs*        345       considerable 
/Gene had fine diggin,       ? 
6 Near Deerfield             Deerfield ds.    300      A'otsN 
noon-3: 30flM 
7  10:-4:30p4               Deerfield         480 
9  10:30-4:30                Deer field        468       Cons  (-*4 
11                            Froelichs'        155 
11 Bought 85 for 1.75         Barichters'        85       quite a 
____  from Roy Newcomb.                        205       little 
11 "I head had 64 seeds" 
14                            River Wds.        190 
17  Bought 100 roots from Fuller 
for 2.0); 79 from Newcomb--prob Riiver Wds. 179       bo, htAow 
24  ivade  ici 
S T              -                    River  'ds.       240 
1-25  B'ought from Fuller     River(prob.)       70 
28 Lade circuit; Plants mostly yellow;         340 
S me seeds still on. 
29 /23 lackin. of 10,000 for River ',ds. Smiths,245 
two years."              oposite Creek 
Oct.   1                            River '3ds, Tollin,l10    some 
Schafers' "ods. 
Aug. 12 No seeds ripe               Deerfield         540 
13 At4vel-                   River '7ds.       100 
Total to this date----------------------    900 
Bought 150 fro.] Fuller-- 2.50 
17                            Deerfield         450 
20                            River 7ds.        104 
25                            River 7ds. 
_  ollins '       185