10igt Oae out, We strte to chc      rp    an  sake cenuses 'butran 
ent out on-the area and set quail traps. Flushed the West Kohlman 
covey of 10 birds near the bottons west of the tree planting. Saw 2 
short eared owls in Clarks unharvested soybean field, about 75 gold 
fibeta cae 'dtal liwks, 10 skunk trks on.The sothern h     of 
alngthe lke,' o 4 ed frap  on Blahaedk nrange, Norea tox tracks 
ina v st par of 'th* area and 3 or 4 m~ore along. the lake, also 
Feb. 28. 
Kabat came out, I was gone before he came. There were 10 birds in 
the Thompson range trap, 7 were banded. In the Northeast trap 3 of 
8 bander hbrds i nthe tap wre killd b a weasel. Saw 4 robins, 25 
nmbwadng adoves, i redtai awk-,, 7 golden eyes, 4 Ameriean mganser$ 
oerebolow the dam. 
Feb. 29. 
Kabat came out and ran the traps, but no birds entered today. 
Flushed the Nrthet covey lookd like 20bordyo ndy t        or birdap. Saw

11 bluhe bis, these wee the fist ob ervd   on the  ea thin yar 
Als cout.d a'rtail hawks,, 8 rabbits, 1 partridge in the Gravel 
Pit place.  Couldn't locate the Gravel Pit covey. The Bongard covey 
was near the Bongard's barn, 12e14 birds. 
mar. 2~ 
Ti t  o locate the  av el pit coeoy, but could't find thea. They 
wee r6td to be along the rIver near       on   rs, the etimated 
number was about 13. Saw about 200 goldf inches in one flock north 
of the road at Voeltz's. 
Kaa  came outand tended the quail traps.  Flushed the Thompson covey 
of 16 birds in their range. It was a poor day too windy for bird move-. 
ment.  Saw 1 marsh hawk, 1 rabbit, and 1 redtail hawk. 
Mar o. 
Set the quail traps.  Flushed Golf Ground covey of 15 birds in its 
range. The other covies didn't seems to be moving. Cold day. Saw 
1marsh hawk, 2 redtaile, 5 partrdges on the south half of the 
Blac aw range, 108 red fox tracks, 1 gray, and 25 horned lark. 
Mar. 9.. 
Kabat cane out and checked the traps.  Got 1 bird in the Bongard range, 
Looked like about 18 birds here by the flush count.   Flushed 8 budse 
in the J. Kehl covey in th~eir usual. range, 14 birds In the Gravel Pit 
covey by a track~oot along the. river-below theo.bridge. There-are 
also abot6 pheas~ants in bere at~leat one of~them Is a cook. Flushed 
10 birds-in the V. Kohizan covey and 14 birds ln~the combined V. G~. 
Grounandft *elhtbarn-covet. There are 14~ birds tIn the S. -School-, 
house covey by a track count. Saw 3 redtail hawks, 1 marsh hawk, 2 
sparrow hawks, and a rabbit that hasd been killed by a horned owl near 
th Bnardvr     cr     h          dtr w        ddw    on, a smal bird