ww at the low of their eyele, which Indicates that theW rely on qbag- 
nam bogs for nestn cover when their numbers are reduced, It probably 
also Lndieates that originally their bitef habitat in Wisoonsin was the 
au       bog. Later they sprea into the cutover lands in northern 
Wisoonsin which have a spars* vsg.tatim, due to frequemt brning. 
A sparse, ry vegetation seems to be the deoiding faster in determinina 
the renoe of the shwrp-taile4 gromse.   bo  bsignua, althoag*  amp beneath

is dry on the   rfaoe. Daing wet weathe the      oumse oould live oan top

of the ease nte of leatherlef whitoh grows etensively in meet bogs. 
In the Wont the sharp-taile& grouse is goe of a plains bird than a 
pririe bird. It inhabited western North Dnkota, western South akota, 
eastern Wyoming, Kasas, Mad Noblao. Sino sottlemeat it ii. moved 
eastward, probably fuo to ealtivation, whioh has resulted in a sparser 
vegetation than fornerly ocur-red.   la loft the shorp-tail ne.ted only 
In sandy araw where the veptatioa was sparse, while the praiwio chicken 
nested in the dense grss, It is probable that the sharp-tailed groue 
did not nest in the original prairie areas of Visconsin as they w 
pibably mostly of the dense a ms type. Xote also that the shsrp-til$ 
gramse occurred in northeastern Illinois, which is the only part of the 
State that has ephagnum bogs. 