Grouse Population Figures 
Flock No.      No. of Birds 
17                 18           Dance ground 
18                 21           Dance ground 
20                 12           Feeding station 
21                 20           Dance ground 
22                 50           Flushed May a0 
23                 18           Dance ground 
24                  6           Danegon 
25                 13           Dance gon 
26                              Dance grund 
Total          500 
Of the 500 sharp-tails counted at feeding stations and danee 
grounds, 140 were banded. The number banded at feeding stations was 
130. Of these, 31 were females. Flock number four was at a feding 
station and dane ground and as a result all of the birds trpped 
here were males. At station number nine, or flock nine in figure 2, 
all of the sharp-tails were banded; and at station eight, or flock 15 
In figure 2, all except one or two were banded, as 45 was the most 
seen feeding here, and 40 were banded. Six of these birds were shipped 
to the game farm, reducing the flock to 39. 
Allowing one female to three-males, the total number In the mapped 
area shown in figure 2 would be: 
Feeding stations 
and                 322 male and female 
Dance gounds             178 males 
5 females 