Grouse Population Figures 
In Port Edwards township there were several sections of land which 
were not burned. As this area is largely grassland, it Is a natural 
nesting ground. Thirteen nests, of which six were prairie chicken and 
see wre sharp-tailed grouse, were located. As all of these nests 
were made in May or before, it Is probable that nesting cover in the 
form of dr grass induces early nesting. On the basis of one female 
for each male, there were 75 prairie chicken nests In this area. 
2. Sharp-tailed grouse. - Sharp-tailed grouse are more numerousl 
and more uniform in distribution than the prairie chicken in Wood 
county, but the sharp-tailed grouse Is limited to that part of Weed 
county which is west of the Wisonsin river. Refer to figure 2. 
The flocks listed on the map in figure 2 are not all different 
flocks, as both feeding station and dance ground flecks are listed, 
The following are separate flocks: 
Flock No.      No. of Birds 
1                 20           Feeding station 
2                 22           Feeding station 
3                 40           Feeding station 
4                 50           Feeding station 
6                 12           Seen buAding 
6                 5           Seen budding 
7                 60           Feeding station 
a                 10           Seen budding 
9                 21           Feeding station 
12                 26           Dance ground 
15                 40           Feeding station 
1. Total number In Wo    county on Xay 1 1951, 1,727. 