7*6A   . 12,vtt 1945  *o 
Prf.eso Oherlq. Um 
16p   33n Stt N. w. 
Pr the patra we hav       draw Saro        fig  the In  U 
to O.M   C& 0-  rsem"    w* at thQ Ar*Pet3       I no wou like 
to take £ tow A  tes to tbn   ym &M   to tell ym Ue           hew

the fta   Wa   -'4     fe UjW   tm   far be      wd" us*   in U 
L. In the reerc v** it ws as"SS to ctch^ ta          &Ails 
and In Sow Sam    smateat. With ..terWIs pxbod               h 
ft" tM w  hew  beu%0 t   ed   taps and deged .so* a 
on" tbt    -av boe m   es omtl we bas    they P1) be used 
by ether wrker afte the wr 
2. 'W -av   bee able to   M1q07 A   e * eee ssstant &M a witer 
assistat hieh enbled us to expan ad devlop the projets 
3. A tw..oI wae leaned vs by the kepaterent of Agiutr, the 
upkeep of whic  Is ta oars of Vq the ft    hwA.   This tm 
t&6 douabled e.ffioeeW anM ha aowed us a frw        & 
of the Areoreos. 
Miles thes. Items are Swwal, a so" detailed seWamtio of 
pw.j~te will be $*A$ you In the inst A'srtumlv Letter, Z It  
my persnl epinioz that it &V  er  t is gitwa the wr don es 
the Ator.a it Is due primarily t4 the foresttedns of 
Ym aM Your father. 
bblwt A. Re~sbe 
Arboretum Xoeil