Hp. 2. !el       tast4led JAuar 7th. Tw=tY ehSrP tails fee here eve*3 4.

Twe miles Most of UUO*. 
No. 3   Fouw miles wet of B    eao*. Forty sharp-talls food her evey das.

lost ef the lotures of birds fooding at. at this station. One od roaster
geat delight Is e"asi    the othrs &W from the hoMwr, bat as see
    as he 
bases thow  ~   others eowe in to fee and after an hor or oe he "to
tired at 
rumal, After lea.ing the station due to being alarmed they hide in the brumh

for 30 or 40 minies and then cose in to a  itch bank about 20 rods awy aA

Jump up in the air to fILp their wip. If nothing appoas they dcie everything

is O.K. aad sail across the me sdw to the feeaing station. 
No, 4. Five mlls northwe of Babock        Happer with bu*oat, Foute 
shntp-talle food he" w. ever Ley.vty-f iv* pouxi* of bwftb*sst eaten
No., 5, One half mile north of Babock    Lean-to en  5 hollow corn *o* 
open on eemt. Fortyfive pwairie chickens A     me quail feed here dolly oS

0ob crn, Priae ohidka pictures will be taken at this station In Pebruary.

W.. 6.   evean miles eothwest $I heoek. One hundred aM twentr shp 
tails op  ene pn.rare chied    f1eed here daily. Raper aM bt shk. 
No. 7. Nine miles southwest of B       . H     r a              tw. 
Ywoty-elz sharp-tails we seeon here Jamiwy 24. 
Urood AN"a 
No. 5. Six miles evtheast ot bcock. Roppew omly.      oLrtson sharp- 
tail* fe here on Nevember 28 and by JanWy T the wbe had inareg e to 40. 
No# 9, Tow nil. seth of   aboc. Hopper ad orn shooks. 
Sharp-tails fed on ULreh -vs within 30 rods of the station all throgh tembe
