out waethe  it offered~ favorable opportuities for grouie maaeet. 
Pneft DTee species of grouse ofcour in 
Wahburn Couty, the rffod grose or partrid,'e, the sharptail, grouso, 
and the pinaated grouse or prairie chicken. 
ie rueffe grouse is found in the heavy timber, on the seow, 
grewth of sitovew lands. and in brushy pstures.   It is espeilly 
abnant an the    gher moraines where there is a dene stand of y 
second grwth* Prom     sus  ounts made on sevewl typteal sections. I 
eut ite that there are abut 15 ruffed grause ner square mile, or 
o   pew 4 £0a5res, on the beet rang*. 
The shaptail grouse is found on brush-overed moraines, Ia 
pastures, and in the open Rrowths of Jaekpine and oak brush which occuw 
on the outash sand along the Yellow,           n. and Totogatic rivers, 
and fwam census ouats   de on several typteal seotlons, I estimate 
the populatin as 10 per square mile, ow 1 per 60 aces. 
1h  pinated grs     ow prairie chicke  is very soae.    Tere 
ae a few mall n     * around Stone Lake. Tey were fomerly abuwvLt 
in Zvergreen Township. 
22giel to be Manwozed   Control of the ruffed groue* rane am he 
aeomplishM through forestry operations. but since these are still 
in the     .   it seem premture to discusii the m       nt of rfTted 
grouse at this time. Ruffed grue do not eat agricultural foods readily. 
9harptail grose, however, respond readily to agricultural 
manipulation of the rae, an     this epies, therefore, presents the 
beat op .rtanity efo  manmt.       It is entirely possible that sharptail

manaemetmasures will likewise brings bad   the "en more valhuable