May 1, 1947 
TO:       Mr. W. F. Grimmer 
OW, U.A. Ozburn 
91B JCT: Phecasnt band number 1721 
The letter from Mr. Aldo Leopold to you which you 
forwarded to us, in regard to a pheasant cook bearing band 
number 1721 which was killed at the Riley ahooting Preserve 
October 26, 1946 on the Paulson farm, has been received. 
In cecking over our birl banding records we find tlhat 
this blrd was liberated on the Brooklyn public hunting ground 
on 9-18-45. The bird was raised here at the farm and was 
banded by some of the men from the ublic hunting grounds 
W. A. Ozburn 
WA0 :bvh 
--oCC: Mr. Aldo Leopold 
,4.-F. Grmer-