December 11, 1937. 
Professor Aldo Leopold, 
Professor of Game Management, 
University of Wisconsin, 
Madison, Wisconsin. 
Deer Leopold: 
I have messed up considerably my answer 
to your inquiry regarding a method of distinguishing 
pheasants of the year from pheasants of a year old 
or older. In the first place, I had some trouble in 
locating my specific statements in my old manuscript, 
and in the second place, after I had written my letter 
to you, I misplaced it and haven't yet found it. I 
am, however, going to give you the principal parts of 
it from memory: 
1. I found no way of so distinguishing, but 
suggest you check on the two outer primaries, 
as Dwight, Jr., Stoddard, Yeatter, etc. 
I am doing the same. 
2. Spur length was of little value on hens, 
but proved useful up to a length of 10 mm. 
(17th to 19th week) for cocks. 
3. Spur length was a fairly good method of 
distinguishing sex in young birds after 
the first few weeks. 
4. Just as soon as I can get to it, I am going 
to recheck my data for further evidence. 
Realizing I have been of no assistance, I 
am nevertheless 
Yours truly, 
H. M. Wight,   / 
Associate Professor of 
Forest Zoology.