Kind of nest________________ 
Nest No.__________ 
Location of nest'    o I              . 
Cause of desertion: ,       ,, K 
Date and time deserted:_______________________________ 
Date and time eggs removed from nest:_ ________ 
Subsequent treatment of eggs:_ 
Length of time eggs left uncovered:_ _   _   _    _   _ 
Weather during exposure:_____         _______ 
Weights and measurements: 
Clutch size    No. broken    No. infertile or dead_____ 
No. of eggs weighed    No. measured4_LAverage size ______ 
Total wt. of16 eggs on Jj (date) was2Y    Av.wt. per egg 
Total wt, of_.eggs on      (date) was    . Av.wt. per eggj . V 
-       -   . .. ..... - --      'omp.w t,    Embryo: - 
Egg               Egg EmboShell mb est of H 0 % of eg  b. 
No. atiourEgg size wt, size wt. wt. ontents disp ontennt 
-              -      -   -               . 
3 . ... -,   -     -   ...          . -. . . ..-.        . 
T5- -  -,1     -   -   -..  -                      - .. 
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-i'   -   - .   - ...-. -  -...-                      - - 
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1 8  .  . .. . . . . , .. . . .,. _ .* 
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