/ 7 
Rules and Membership 
FUrposes: (1) To control hunting and to prevent trespass by non-members.

(2) To propagate pheasants, and to furnish shooting for the members 
up to the legal percentage of the pheasants annually released, in 
accordance with the current shooting preserve law. 
(3) To furnish food, cover and protection for other game and beneficial 
wild life, especially quail and prairie chicken. 
Membership: The membership shall comprise two groups, namely, the Farm Members

and the City Members, each group to be represented by a spokesman. 
For the season 1934-1935 these groups shall include the following: 
A. Farm Members: 
. R. J. Paulson, -   "e      ) 
Joe and Jerome Brown, Riley" ) 
H. W. Dahlstrom, Riley"      ) 
Lester Henderson, Rileyi-    ) 
4 0. Hub, Riley v              ) Spokesman: R. J. Paulson 
Hilary McCaughey, Riley"'     ) 
Albert Bohle, Riley;7         ) 
Lucy Riley & Sons, Riley"     ) 
4'sil y Riley, Riley ,i 
t/f/.       Thompson, Riley-        ) 
B. City Members (all of Madison): 
Thomas Coleman, Maple Bluff             ) 
" Aldo Leopold, 2222 Van Hise Avenue     ) 
R. J. Roark, 2002 Chamberlain Avenue  ) Spokesman: Aldo Leopold 
j A. W. Schorger, 168 N. Prospect Avenue ) 
.   H. F. Weiss, 120 Ely Place          ) 
Dues: Group A (Farm Members) shall contribute the exclusive hunting privilege

on their lands. Group B (City Members) shall contribute the expenses 
necessary to license, stock and post such lands, plus reimbursement to the

owners for such food and cover as may, by mutual consent of the spokesmen,

be devoted to game. 
Hunting Privileges: Each member shall be entitled to shoot his proportionate
of the pheasants authorized under the state regulation but the spokesmen

may restrict the sex to be killed. Each member shall be entitled to hunt

rabbits, waterfowl, or other game as permitted by the game laws, subject

,to such further restrictions as may be voted by the membership. Each member

must register his kill in the Journal to be kept at Mr. Paulson's farm, and

tag his pheasants in accordance with the regulations. The tags will be 
kept at Mr. Paulson's farm. 
Detailed regulations for the guidance of the members shall be decided 
upon each season by vote of the majority.