Ilk has bow abom In some per" of two OmAtry 
that erm work loom v"ary XU*h III" **ruin--QTO*r 
pred0or wwk* *ad that ato-WntifloaUm is 
*=mon. It is imperative Utat am* real ftets, 
based an qumsity of data,, be *"=,ad* 
in tM violent tUstuOlms of qrslrio 
214,0*1=dO Pamaitox am atse&wa PIW I% a* wt 
kftOW O"M 14bo reftwAts of field "torinary "lows, 
6AG     as anliod 10 Wis"Win ons, We do Imow 00 
=W poew"no" of perasitias and ovw disewo 
bm boo% reeor0ked from Wimwasix b1s4s, Mat 
Is Us minsawal solution of Vw P"'blax? 
VMY often UO.Point. to raimod that "a       It we 
*boa& d1swever Me disoik"s and parasites roopma- 
ible fw ftolosale qVidwil in up irie shlekaw 
gr tbor *AS*) VO Ow t 40"Siw-dUa alout twa. 
ou *am' t do*Uw a x1ok *11A bift*#- it is 
Ukoly. howover, that soMostion of birds usine 
%be "no toodbW or"*,# the *me dmt b*Vwt *w 
sams roce" owrorts, ***, allwa nudxm dovelop- 
mant or dio"40     it *him. It   6 $0 bt *hO OSAO, 
voys of disUlbutinz UO     UMx wer ame, Verritory 
by making *6U*i;iiT roodim, 4ustw' ana Vow;. 
Ing 6r*="   avallatle adght be a very       isleal 
wasms of O*xtxVl'O 00ruft disomms,        Parasites 
0" amroly bo oontrollet In th* f1*1 by 1weven- 
Utmt buis 11 to imossiblo to vc*m 
that wo is itot know cdsU* The solutim ="j7b* 
,preeoded by eta In"Miar of the exten't Wd In- 
or 4140as" = Par"It"O 
The    sm't lValrio ahloken lAv"llsOlm      Us boom a 
good strMin the ri$ht Alreationo To be of pmotioal 
Talmo, howmr# VA IMMOURation OU&'t to take aceftat ot 
the folliming Points, amne otho"s 
le The ftat fWtxg studles shou3A be oontinums 
inst4wd of InUM04MU 
Of as                 leasmah as Dro Gross ouzot be in Wisocasin 
awe th" a ftw Moafts at a t$w =4 Osavat 
sow to Wisoonsin atUr 1950, It Is "Matul 
that a good =a be Plased *a the $ob " "an as 
po"Ole to wwk wilh hft *at ge$ 1ho banoM 
bt his U*Inlm 1his wanor. Th* qwditUmsims 
Ibis Man a" a Pestle" fi*IA aqwrim" 
b               (a) 
:W   tbr for ",lostifle         *h to a P"blaft 
* e-howww inter"t i'spre"WV01601. so 
nay or my not bo, w1vis"Ity train"o Above a.U 
*IAO# tminimse ixeludodt he =at be a keen obwar- 
vor sad a i u-4 workwo He mb*vLLd bia wmilable 22 
==Us of fto year, I             to be passiblo to 
seowm suah a max for ;2=O**O a year plus alocas 
OIS00*00 ror flo" GMWR"so