Open displays and self service became popular in the early 1940's, in this area.
The Fair Store & Feed Supply had the first in Marathon.  The large stores in Wausau
had it for several yearsand in the early 195Os the Super Markets made their appear-
ance nearer the outskirts of Wausau.  The huge advertising funds at their disposal,
the greater variety possible in store in more densely populatedareasjtogether  with
a few leaders advertised at lower prices, is luring many Marathon people to do their
shopping out of town,but surveys show that considering all items bought, there is no
saving in going to the larger town. The so-called wholesale cataloges and houses are
also making inroads. Many local people realise that the money they spend in Marathon
comes back to them in part in the education of their children, maintenance of their
churches and schools and other facilities.
The Marathon Advancement Association organized in the late 1940ts succeeded in
having the stores closed on Sunday mortimp and remain open only on Friday night in-
stead of Wednesday and Saturday evenings.  But the Association gradually dissolved
just as had an earlier attempt at a Chamber of Commerce and Lions Club in this vil-
lage. At present the business men are not locally organized. Another Lions Club was
organized in 1951 and at present it has twenty-three members.
Although his profit had dwindled in many cases to less than two cents on the dol-
lar, and his yearly pay may be less than that of most of the laborers and farmers,
the businessmen are generous.contributors to the welfare and developement of the com-
munity. Besides paying the highest taxes, they are the largest supporters of church
school and public activities. In fact, many such groups, whether their members trade
locally or not, when they put on a public affair, their first thought is to ask the
business men for donations.
While the local business men keep their prices in line with those in larger towns
they give you better service before and after the sale. They have been a generous
group and even furnish the sidewalks we kick about when they are not kept cleaned
and repaired.
Besides offering open charge accounts, they have time-payment plans for the major
items, and these can be bought with little down payments-and up to two years to pay.
Many outsiders realize that Marathon is a good economical place to shop, and es-
pecially folks in the community carry outthe intend of the pioneers who each obtain-
ed a lot in the village in order that he may take an interest in its development.

FIRZ TRUCK AID DIPARTKT OFFICIRS 1957 - Frank Oertschen, Gottlieb Bartelt,
Richard Seubert, Sr. and Leo Erd-n.