An animal is born in Asia which they call a B 0 N N A -
      C 0 N, and he has a bullish head and from then on the
      rest of his body like a horse's mane. The horns are curled
      round upon themselves with such a multiple convolution
      that if anybody bumps against them he does not get hurt.
        But however much his front end does not defend this
      monster, his belly end is amply sufficient. For when he
      turns to run away he emits a fart with the contents of his
      large intestine which covers three acres.                And any tree
      that it reaches catches fire. Thus he drives away his pur-
      suers with noxious excrement.'
        1 Bonnacon is the Bonasus, i.e. the bison or aurochs. Many animals
do void
      their excrements when escaping.
