FABRICS-FACTS FOR CONSUMERS                     45 
   Laces and Embroideries.-Following is a list of a few familiar 
laces and embroideries suitable for decoration of undergarments, 
lingerie blouses, dresses, etc. Prices of such have a wide range, 
therefore it is difficult to arrange a standard list. One can find a 
variety of attractive, durable edgings for very little outlay; Figs. 16,

17 and 18 show good patterns of several types of laces, and Figs. 19, 
20 and 21 embroideries of several kinds. Both laces and embroid- 
eries should be chosen with regard to the kind of material which 
they are intended to decorate; to illustrate, very heavy lace on very 
light weight material will overweight the garment, which is contrary 
to good design. 
    Durability is a factor not to be overlooked. When buying laces, 
select those the thread of which runs diagonally from edge to edge, 
making the mesh interlock; there is a kind of lace, the thread of 
which only forms one-half of the mesh, the points being tied to- 
gether with a weak, fine thread which does not show, but in a 
short time breaks down, and the lace becomes worthless. 
    In choosing embroideries, select those which have a background 
similar to the material to be used in the garment. Do not use heavy 
edgings on light weight materials. Embroideries are to be had with 
batiste, nainsook, Swiss, and soft-finished cambric backgrounds, if 
one wishes the heavy embroidery. Entre-deux can also be had in 
the materials mentioned above, and in voile also; this is very good 
for use on lingerie blouses made of voile. Hand-made embroideries 
are very expensive even in narrow edgings, but there are hand- 
finished embroideries, the edges of which are trimmed by hand, and 
which simulate the fine hand-embroideries and are less expensive. 
Valenciennes, edge, insertion, and beading: 
    French ............................ $ .10 and upwards a yard. 
    G erm an  ................................ .10  "  " 
Clun   .................................15 It                  "t 
Torchon.............................       10  " ' 
Filet ......          ................. ..  15 "     "    "
Irish....................25                    "      "    "

Footing, plain; point d'esprit .................. .04  " 
Batiste ....................................  $  .25  "  "  "

N ainsook.................... .............. .25     "    "  "

Sw iss  ........................ .............. .25  "" 
Soft-finished Cambric..        ............25 .      .    "  "

Embroidery beadings, same backgrounds ........08 "  "