Chroma is shown by a numeral below the line, thus R means red 
of value 5 and a chroma one-half way between a full intensity and 
gray. In the chroma scale we have used only five steps. In order 
to keep them consistent with the value scale of nine steps we number 
them according to the diagram (Fig. 32). 
VrULL                        O RAY 5                         FULL 
    05                        [NN 5]rFe]                1 7 
 5yt    Y77                     my ~ [YAs F-, F1 [.....         ; 5 
                FIG. 32.-Development of chroma scale. 
    Color Classification.-Arrange a chart of mounted samples of 
fabrics in various hues. Classify or notate the colors as to hue, value 
and chroma (Plate I). 
    Exercise 5.-Using varied illustrative material classify colors accord-

ing to hue, value and chroma-orally-students verify each other's answers.

    Exercise 6.-Memorize color by classification, that is, look at a color

for a minute and notate mentally-produce from memory-then compare. 
    Exercise 7.-Reproduce color from dictation. 
    Exercise 8.-Mix colors of various hues, values and chroma; record 
the results. Color Play. Value scales may be made of the most pleasing 
    Exercise 9.-Using gradated colored paper samples select values, hues

and chromas from dictation. 
    All of these suggestions may be enlarged upon, making innu- 
merable short exercises and greatly increasing the interest in the 
    Practice in color perception is most necessary, for upon it 
depends the training of the eye, which is the source of joy in color. 
The development of the faculty of seeing and feeling color repays 
one richly, for the world takes on a new aspect when the eye is able 
to discern the beautiful qualities of color in the simplest objects as 
well as in the greatest works of nature and of art. A city roof view 
becomes a vision of loveliness. The gas tank in the distance which