finished garments, is the best arrangement one can have, but should 
this be lacking, an inexpensive chiffonier may take the place of the 
drawers, while a shelf fastened to the wall, and beneath which, pro- 
tected by an attractive curtain, the unfinished garments may be 
hung, will make a good substitute for the cupboard. Dress covers 
of cambric or percale, or large squares of cheese cloth, should be used 
to cover the garments to protect them from dust. Where space is 
limited, the cutting table may have drawers built under it, set far 
enough under not to interfere with the movement of the feet and 
knees when working. 
   Patterns not in constant use, should be kept in drawers or boxes, 
neatly folded, with the name on the outside. Those in frequent use 
can be clipped or pinned to a tape which has been fastened to the 
wall for this purpose. 
   Dress Form.-This is indispensable when dressmaking is to 
be done. It is not necessary to buy expensive forms if one is careful 
to select a form having a small neck, and well-shaped through the 
bust, waist, and hips. Adjustable forms are to be had which can be 
changed for individual members of a family; or tight-fitted linings 
may be prepared for each one for whom dresses are to be made and 
separate waist forms padded to fit the linings, and stored until such 
time as they are needed, when they may be used alternatively upon 
the one standard; or if one cares to make a greater outlay, a pneu- 
matic form, which can be adjusted to fit any lining, may be used. 
   Sewing Machine.-Buy the best machine the purse will permit 
and give it the best care, then it will repay what you have spent 
upon it. 
   Pressing Boards.-It is important to have several boards if 
considerable sewing is done. There should be a skirt board, a 
sleeve board, a seam board, and also a heavy tailor pressing board, 
and cushion if one is doing cloth, work. A good supply of pressing 
cloths should also be at hand with pan for water. 
   Where the sewing room is remote from the kitchen, a small gas or 
oil stove may be used to heat the irons or boil water for steaming 
velvet. Electric irons are desirable, if electricity is used in the 
   All tools should be kept in orderly fashion where they may be 
easily found when needed. All irons, shears, pin-cushions or papers