bodices, combinations or night-dresses. (3) Linen tape, sometimes 
used for narrow bands on corset covers of heavy material, or for 
petticoats. May be of wide tape folded, or narrow, two thick- 
nesses. (4) Elastic, used in hems on lower edge of underbodices or 
   Facings.-Discussed under Openings and Placklets. 
   Peplum.-A peplum is a circular piece, four to five inches deep, 
set into the band of a corset cover to keep it in place. It is cut cir- 
cular to do away 
with any unneces- 
sary fulness at hips. 
Its front and lower 
edges are finished 
with narrow hems; 
the upper edge is set 
into the band of the 
corset cover. 
   Fastenings: Use 
buttons and button- 
   (d) Neck Line. 
-As the finish of 
the neck line may 
make or mar the 
appearance of the 
outer - garment, ex- 
quisite care should 
be given both to 
ueigii anti aiipiU-          FIG. 143.-Fine hand-run tucks. 
lation of materials. 
   Fulness is sometimes held in place by means of tiny hand-run 
tucks (Fig. 143), by gathers, or by passing a narrow ribbon through 
eyelets worked in the top of the garment, or through lace or em- 
broidery beading, footing, etc. (Figs. 143 to 150, and 156). 
   French Hem.-This makes a very attractive and satisfactory 
finish for application of lace and other types of decoration. 
   To make: Turn a very narrow him to the right side and baste; 
fold hem back to wrong side and crease firmly. The trimming for 
the edge, beading, lace or footing, is then overhanded to the double 
fold thus formed.