DG equals one-half width of back plus three-quarter inch. 
GH equals AE. 
HI equals three-quarter inch. 
  F1 equals shoulder line. 
  CJ equals one-quarter increased bust measure minus two inches. 
  BK equals one-quarter waist measure plus one and one-quarter 
KK1 equals one-quarter inch. 
BK' equals waist line. 
KL equals underarm measure from K', ruler touching J. 
KM equals four-inch ruler on FKM. 
BN equals four inches. 
NM equals bottom of shirt. 
DO equals three-quarter inch. 
GP equals three-eighth inch. 
OP equals line of yoke. 
                 Front (Fig. 44) 
 AR equals one-sixth neck measure plus three-eighth inch. 
 EF equals one-quarter inch. 
AP' equals one-sixth neck measure. 
DG equals one-half width of front plus one and one-quarter 
GH equals two-thirds DA (draw dotted line to left of H). 
FI equals ruler on F, shoulder measure touching I).