and where possible, a number of the crepe garments that require 
no ironing at all. 
    Patterns.-Upon the cut of a garment depends not only its style, 
but comfort also. Drafted to measure patterns should, if carefully 
made, embody both features. Discrimination must be used in the 
choice of commercial patterns. Those which provide a generous 
seam allowance, furnish clear working directions, and guide one 
somewhat as to the necessary quantity of material to buy, are to be 
recommended. One can best judge by trying various makes and 
comparing results. Then unless the policy of the pattern company 
changes, one should be reasonably sure in her choice. Sometimes, 
one make of pattern may prove satisfactory for undergarments, 
another for outer, and vice versa. 
                     TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 
    Tools.-We should become familiar at the very outset with the 
names of the tools we shall need, their use, and the manner of taking 
care of them.   Following is a list of such: 
                     Thimble, of good material 
                     Tape-measure (good one; stitched on both edges; 
                       sateen best) 
                     Pins, dressmaker's steel points, one-quarter

                     Pin-cushion (cloth stuffed with curled hair; always

                       filled with pins 
                     Needles: Milliner's for basting, ground downs for 
                       very fine sewing, sharps forsewing and dressmaking

                     Emery, to smooth neeces 
Needed   in  clothing Scissors: Small, sharp points for ripping; small shears

    construction       for cutting; medium size if desired; buttonhole 
                     Tracing wheel, good points, to mark seams on cotton

                       and linen 
                     Tailor's chalk, to mark seams 
                     Stiletto, for punching eyelets 
                     Bodkin, for running tape through casings 
                     Safety pins: To fasten to end of belt or fold which

                       you wish to turn right side out. Push pin through

                       after fastening, and it draws material with it 
                     Tailor's square (for drafting patterns) 
                     Pattern paper (Manila heavy, light tissue) 
                     Pencil, soft 
Needed   for pattern Tape-measure 
       making        Pins 
                     Needles (milliner's for basting) 
                     Small ruler