Fitting the Skirt.-lHave a belt finished to the correct waist 
measure, with hooks and eyes sewed on. If fitting to the normal 
waist line, the belt may be one inch in width or less. When fitting 
for a high waist line, use a belt the height you wish the edge of the 
skirt above the normal waist line. Place belt on figure. When 
fitting a skirt with a normal waist line, pin the skirt right side 
out at the waist line 
to the lower edge of 
the belt. 
    Pin the skirt to 
the belt, right side 
out, at the center 
back,  center   front 
and   at   the  hips. 
Then pin at the hip 
line   center   back, 
center   front   and 
hips.  Before begin- 
ning to fit, look skirt 
over very carefully. 
See if the lines are 
good.   The length- 
wise seams of a gored 
skirt should fall at 
right angles to waist 
line. Keep this in 
mind while fitting, 
and   also that the 
skirt should set easi- 
ly about the figure, 
otherwise in stitching 
it will become too 
tight; neither will it  FxG. 194.-Pinning a straight and bias edge for basting.

allow for any addi- 
tional shrinkage when laundered. Fitting should be done on the 
right hand side only, for the first time, unless there is a great dif- 
ference between the two sides of the figure. Notice very particular-. 
ly the hip seam on all gored skirts. If there is a tendency to. 
swing forward or back, correct the line, taking from the bias edget