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FIG. 43-Circular night-gown designed from 
        shirtwaist sleeve pattern. 
          Circular Night-gown Sleeve (Fig. 43) 
          (Designed from shirtwaist sleeve pattern.) 
      AB equals desired length, measured from the bone in top of 
      BC equals curve for bottom; use A as pivot, AB as radius to 
             swing curve, any desired width. 
      CD equals seam of sleeve. 
Yight-gown Sleeve Gathered into Band at Lower Edge (Fig. 44) 
          (Designed from shirtwaist sleeve pattern.) 
      AB equals desired length measured from bone in top of shoulder. 
      BC equals one inch. 
      CD equals dotted line (one-half width of sleeve at top plus one 
             to two inches) at right angles to AB. 
      DE equals seam of sleeve.