the straight or partly bias edge of material to edge of the panel, 
allowing seam, and pin. Be careful to keep a good line. Pin at the 
waist and hip. Mark off the desired width at hip and bottom and 
turn back the edge of the gore or allow seam to extend, if it is a wide 
gore meeting a back panel. Continue in the same way marking line 
at the bottom when design is completed. 
    Problem I.-Design, on form, a simple circular skirt in tissue paper.

    Problem II.-Design, on form, a simple gored skirt (four or six) in 
tissue paper. 
    Problem III. Experiment with practice material without cutting, 
copying folds of drapery in fashion plates. See whether the effect has been

gotten by use of lengthwise, crosswise or bias folds. 
     Problem IV.-Design a simple skirt for an afternoon dress, with 
drapery of some sort, that can be caught up by tiny bunches of artificial

     Apply the principles of draping shirtwaists, sleeves, collars, and cuffs

to the design of an entire dress as follows: 
     Proolem I.-Choose material for an afternoon dress of silk. Select 
design in fashion book suitable for the material and yourself. Carry out

the design in detail according to suggestions given above. 
     Problem II.-Same as above, substituting party frock for afternoon 
dress of silk. 
     Problem  III.-Originate a design for someone else, choosing fabric and
